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9 Things I Plan to Do In 2019

Most of us make New Year’s Resolutions, right? I like to, but maybe I should just actually “plan” my year out and then take life as it comes.

I have learned many times in 2018 (the hard way, of course) that life will always throw something that you don’t expect. It’s good for me but also keeps me a little more high-strung than I like to admit.

So this year I want to have a plan. It might not be the perfect plan and it will definitely change during the process, I’m sure. But nevertheless, I want a plan.

Here goes.

Keep It Simple

I have been aching for a simpler, more relaxed life for a while. I honestly already have a pretty relaxed life on the outside, even considering the little ones I am chasing around. For me, it is learning how to be peaceful on the inside this year, as well as keeping it simple materially.

So I will be resolving to keep all of my resolutions as simple and sensible as possible, and making them as easy to achieve as possible. It might be a lazy way around it, but I see it as the desire for a high success rate.

That way my confidence is up for next year when I decide to accomplish really huge things.

Keep It Inspired

One very important thing I have to remember here is that I cannot do much without God. In fact, I am nothing without Him. Everything I touch will turn to dust someday.

Therefore, I am resolving to increase my trust and faith in God, learning to lean on him for absolutely everything. It doesn’t sound hard, but putting in into practice takes a lot of letting go.

When I started taking my faith seriously, I honestly thought it would be easy. However, having children opens many new doors, and I am proving myself way wrong almost every single day. Faith is not as easy as I thought it would be.

Holy Spirit, inspire me to live a holy life dedicated to our Heavenly Father, that my efforts may not be futile. 

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New Year’s Resolutions 2019

10. Brush My Teeth More ( + other hygiene concerns)

It seems like I should already know this, but there are certain things about your body that won’t stay the same forever. Teeth are one of those things. I am dangerously close to getting cavities again, so I need to brush more with a better toothpaste.

I found this Hello toothpaste with activated charcoal, coconut oil, and peppermint that is amazing.

Additionally, I could also do better at brushing my hair, putting on deodorant, and keeping my skin hydrated.

How I plan on doing this

  • One, I have to like my toothpaste and toothbrush. So, I am using a delicious Hello toothpaste (asI mentioned before) and invested in a battery-powered toothbrush (finally).
  • Then, I am going to take a few minutes to brush my teeth before bed, before I go out of the house, and whenever my teeth start feeling grimy.
  • Brush my hair once in the morning and once at night, and in between as necessary.
  • I will put on deodorant either in the morning or after taking a shower during the day. I use Arm & Hammer No aluminum deodorant.

9. Drink More Water ( + eat healthier food)

It seems I have been on a “drink more water” phase of my life since being pregnant or breastfeeding for almost 3 years. I can really tell when I don’t have enough water to drink.

Likewise, I have become increasingly aware of how food affects the way I feel and operate during the day (as well as my children). So, my focus this year is to keep working on making healthier choices, more fruits, veggies, good protein, and fewer sugars!

How I plan on Doing This

  • Water: I keep a good stainless steel tumbler with a silicone straw (I bought these and love them!) in my sight at all times. Straws really help me drink more, and my tumbler is at least 24 oz.
  • For a couple of months, I have been writing down the meals that I make (mostly only the dinners, lunch is leftovers or a quick fix around here). I will take that list of meals that we like the best, create a monthly meal plan, and buy accordingly.
  • We do our best to have some sort of fruit and veggie at every meal, as well as protein.
  • Buy snacks that are also good, or at least not harmful. My toddlers really like popcorn, organic cheese crackers, and GoGo Squeeze pouches.
  • We also buy organic products and produce as much as possible, even if it is a few extra cents.


8. Get More Sleep

With 2 small children and one on the way, this is a huge concern of mine. I do not function well without much sleep, and I cannot imagine how hard it might be when March rolls around. It will be one of those times in life where survival mode is quite necessary.

How I plan on Doing This

  • Go to bed before 9 pm. I am sometimes in bed by 8, other nights are more like 10 pm. Maybe my average will help me get more sleep.
  • Get up around 5 to work on my biz, and start the day with some peace and quiet.
  • Put my sleep health above other things, like watching TV and Netflix, browsing on my phone, and other useless brain-waking and time-wasting activities.

7. Play More

My kids are at such fun ages of 2 and 1 that is is hard to not play with them. They play extremely well on their own, but sometimes it is so fun to just sit down and play with them.

Hearing them laugh and frolic about makes me happy, and I cannot wait until spring and summer on the farm to explore and play some more. We are moving from our little town to out in the country, so this next year will be a lot different with more outdoor activities to utilize.

How I plan on Doing This

  • Spend about an hour each day playing and paying attention to only my children, with no shows or phones for an interruption.
  • Create a weekly activity list for the summer to keep ourselves occupied and enjoying the sun.
  • Keep naptimes important so my kids have the energy and focus to play more.
  • Create some good toddler activities for learning and utilize those.

6. Get One Toddler Out of Diapers

When our newborn arrives sometimes this late winter, I will have three children in diapers. Not really that intimidating to me, but the cost will start getting crazy, even with a diaper subscription.

how I plan on doing this

  • Discover some good techniques for training little boys
  • Perhaps use our new country yard and trees for adequate mess-free training 😀
  • Buy only the diapers I need, so I’m not overspending on diapers.

5. Wait With God (instead of on God)

In Advent 2018, I used a wonderful devotional called Rejoice! to prepare my heart. One of the days focused on waiting with God instead of on God.

It keeps us from getting impatient to have our prayers answered, and gives us a chance to learn from God and his ways. I can think of a million different ways that waiting with God is better than waiting like a disgruntled child who only focuses on “how much can I get” and “when can I get it.”

I have been guilty of this mindset in the past, so I want to be sure I go into 2019 with a different perspective on God’s plans and incredible timing.

How I plan on Doing This

  • Realize that I don’t know much when it comes to life plans
  • Seek God’s will in everything I do.
  • Center my life around the fact that I will always need God and his guidance, no matter what.
  • Read the Bible and pray with more unselfish focus.
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4. Read More

I still remember amazing things I learned from books when I was a kid and the wealth of information I acquired. Books are another world to me of wonder, curiosity, and just pure magic. (Now I sound like a PBS commercial, haha!)

As an adult, this wonder still applies to me. But at this point, I am wondering how much more I can learn. So I really want to focus on reading theological books, books about child development, and self-help and motivational books. And I cannot foget Bible readings and learning new prayers and Catholic devotions.

I think doing this will help me develop a sounder mind for Christ and for myself as a person.

How I plan on Doing This

  • Make a list of the books I want to read
  • Shoot for one book a month, it seems I have a lot going on right now (with soon to be 3 small children, who wouldn’t?)4
  • Read before bedtime or during kids’ naptimes (even though some reading puts me to sleep, it will fill my mind with good information before I go to bed, compared to silly shows and internet searches)
  • Get on Goodreads and make a plan!

3. Eliminate harmful products and clutter from my home

I am becoming increasingly aware of the yuckiness that is present in many products that are made for consumers. The chemicals, genetically modified ingredients and materials, processes sugars and meats, and so much sugar. Everywhere there is sugar in food, it’s nutty.

Likewise, cleaning products and medicines that do you no good in your own house, and skin care products that only irritate your skin.

I have become a Beautycounter consultant this year for part of that reason and will continue to shop the best organics and simple products that I can.

[bctt tweet=”Beautycounter provides safer and cleaner beauty solutions! Awesome!” username=”GTastove”]

How I plan on doing this

  • Utilize my wonderful consultants from Norwex, Wildtree, and Nature’s Sunshine
  • Buy organic produce and snacks for my kids
  • Throw away or recycle items we don’t use or need around anymore
  • Allow the kids only 8 toys at a time to play with (with a few rotating small toys to complement the bigger toys)
  • Put away things in a specific, labeled place, and return them to that place after using them

We are moving to a new house in a couple of months, so all the organizing I hope to get done this summer as I am unpacking everything. The organization makes this personality sing!

2. Love on my husband more

I am coming to realize how much my husband does for us, and I am so grateful. It makes me love him even more than I thought I could. He is a wonderful patient father, a concerned husband, and the kind of man who wants to help everyone and put his best foot forward. How can you not love that about a man?

While I know it will take more time and effort on my part to show him how much I appreciate all he does, it will be so worth it. I have to remember that investing in my marriage, even before my kids, is SO important.

If we build a good foundation now, while our kids are young and wild, I pray that this will make our marriage that much stronger when we get older.

How I plan on doing this

1. Trust God With All My Heart

Okay, call me naive, but I thought trusting God was easy. And it kind of was, when I was in high school and college and just realizing the depths of God’s love, and how he could take care of me.

But being a mom and a wife, and doing life a lot different now, it is HARD. Hard to trust that the money we need for things will be provided. Difficult to believe that passing our faith along to our children will make a big difference. Just hard.

Therefore, I know this is the issue in my life that I need to work on most. Not my health, not exercise, not being more organized. Trust in God.]

The other day, I was really struggling with stress and anxiety about getting things done on my time, in my way, and to the extent of what I wanted. Then, out of nowhere, a “Jesus, I trust in You” prayer card just fell on the floor in front of me. I thought, wow, okay, God, I get ya. You got this.

That was a start and a good reminder, but I’ve got a ways to go on this concept.

How I plan on doing this

  • Writing my stresses and anxieties on a piece of paper and burning it (or just throwing it away)
  • Immediately give my issues to God and say, “Your will be done”
  • Ask Mary to take my burdens and offer them to Jesus, ask her for guidance
  • Pray for a trusting heart and spirit
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my Word of 2019

To take it a step further, I created a word of 2019 to help me amplify my goals. Amplify…I should have used that one, nice word.

Instead, I chose the word OPTIMIZE! Optimize my life in every way possible while recognizing the importance of rest, playtime, and loving time.

I know this sounds like a lot, and it kind of is. But, reach high, and then figure out where you went wrong, right? Just kidding. I just have a lot of little goals that I want to improve upon. While I don’t see myself completing all of them to the full, I can at least start and get a good picture of what it is like to accomplish that goal.


Big Plans

So, feel free to message me in 6 months and ask me how I’m doing. I don’t plan on having all of them “optimized”, but I hope to have made progress on all of them in some way.

LIttle steps make big differences in the long run.

Here’s to plans, not resolutions. And here’s to a more loving, productive, restful, and peaceful 2019!!!!



View Comments

  • I know this is an old blog but just wanted to let you know I like how you organized your post with the 'how I plan to do this' section. I often read articles that say 'surrender your life to God' or 'just trust in God' but they never include 'how'.

    • Awesome! Thanks for the comment, glad it was helpful!

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