“Me and My House” is a Catholic Parenting Series designed to teach young Catholic parents all the ins and outs of parenting, from faith and family culture to discipline and how to approach each of your childrens’ unique qualities. Pros: Simple...
9 Things I Plan to Do In 2019 Most of us make New Year’s Resolutions, right? I like to, but maybe I should just actually “plan” my year out and then take life as it comes. I have learned many times in 2018 (the hard way, of course) that life will...
Relationship Breakdown During Pregnancy Some people notice their marriage is different than normal during their pregnancy. I’m sure it can go both ways. If it’s your first child, lots of times the love and care factors are more present. The, “Oh Honey, let me get...
Now here’s the truth. There are days in which I feel like I have been so wronged by my husband. He didn’t do this or wouldn’t listen to my idea about that or failed to read my mind (what is this atrocity???) when I wanted him to. The frustration I...