Categories: Pray

Turn Suffering Into Salvation

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We’ve all been there. Have suffered a broken limb, muscle pains, bruises, cuts. It’s not so fun, and often we can get caught up in the “woe is me” routine, complaining and begging for service and company.

But what if I told you that you could use your minor (or major) forms of suffering and pain to save the soul of someone you love dearly? Or someone who is in Purgatory?

It’s true. Christ and Our Lady promised it herself.

Ready to find out more? Let me start at the heart of this claim.

Where I Got This Suffering for Souls Idea

I recently finished reading A Flame of Love, a book about Elizabeth Kindelmann, a woman who experienced incredible torment because of her devotion to Jesus and Mary. She also had many enlightening, joyful times in her life, but the majority of her time spent on earth was in suffering.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds terrible! For sure I would dwell on that pain and probably complain about it numerous times, not to mention mope around until someone did something about it. Wouldn’t you?

I also just finished Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves. Wow! That book was an incredible insight into the life of our late Pope (now a saint). There is an entire chapter about taking up your cross and suffering with Christ for souls and the Church’s holy purposes. And let me say, this book made me think about my spiritual life in a way I hadn’t in a long time.

Let’s look into how they challenge us to use suffering for others.

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Evidence From the Flame of Love

  • The Blessed Virgin told Elizabeth, “Consecrated souls and the faithful who keep the Monday fast will free a multitude of souls (from Purgatory) each time they receive Communion that week.” (the fast includes bread and water until 6 pm, also do it on Thursdays and Fridays) (pg 108, 113, The Flame of Love)
  • Mary also said, “My children, pray for one another without ceasing. Let the outpouring of my graces produce its effect in souls.” (pg 110)
  • The special prayer that comes from this devotion is: “Spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity.” (pg 109)
  • It goes on to talk about what the Flame of Love’s cause in the world is — salvation for every soul in the world and the freeing of souls from purgatory. (pg 112)

This book additionally gives Catholics many ways in which they can save souls by doing little sacrificial acts, removing worldly distractions, and speaking about the Flame of Love.

Evidence from Saint John Paul the Great: His Fives Loves

What does John Paul have to say about suffering?

  • John Paul was dedicated to letting others know that their suffering was not without purpose. Many times when he had an event in his life such as when he became Pope, one of his dear friends would be in the hospital or sick in some way. John Paul believed that they were helping him bear his crosses.
  • In one of John Paul’s letters, entitled Salvifici Doloris, he writes: “…the weaknesses of all human sufferings are capable of being infused with the same power of God manifested in Christ’s Cross….every form of suffering, given fresh life by the power of this Cross, should become no longer the weakness of man but the power of God.” (pg 176, Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves)
  • John Paul also explained, “It is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls. Suffering, more than anything else, makes present in the history of humanity the powers of the Redemption.” (pg 176)

Let Us Not Suffer In Vain

Like I said before, we all suffer in some way. And we will continue to because of the sinful nature of man.

However, I think it’s time we change our hearts towards suffering.

Praying for others through the Flame of Love or with our suffering is a surefire way to bring salvation to the world. If we let our suffering go to waste on a bed of self-pity, it is exactly what Satan would want.

If I decided to stay in bed all day every time I experienced suffering, nothing would be accomplished for our Lord. We want the devil to groan when we get out of bed, to be afraid because we are out in the world winning souls for Christ, again and again!

Yet we also must remain humble in those graces that the Lord gives us to be able to suffer with Him for souls. You are sharing in the glory of the Cross in some way, yet it is only through you, not because of you, that this is able to take place.

My challenge to you is this:

  • Pick one of the indicated days to fast on bread and water
  • Say 5 decades of the Rosary for souls in Purgatory
  • Recite the Flame of Love prayer, over and over again, like you would a Hail Mary.
  • Dedicate your suffering to those who need salvation and healing in their lives.

Try it. Let me know how it goes! Let us suffer with joy for others!

See what these books can bring to your spiritual life.

The Flame of Love

Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves

St. John Paul, pray for us!


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