
Review: Me and My House Catholic Parenting Program

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“Me and My House” is a Catholic Parenting Series designed to teach young Catholic parents all the ins and outs of parenting, from faith and family culture to discipline and how to approach each of your childrens’ unique qualities.


  • Simple solutions to discipline problems
  • Comprehensive content that covers a wide range of parenting subjects
  • A good look at what family culture should look and feel like as Catholics


  • A viewpoint from just one parent, not both mother and father
  • Some videos are lengthy and need a guide to follow along
  • I didn’t get the workbook and was confused on some sections. (get the guide if you can!)

In all practicality, this video series leads me down many roads of pondering how I approach parenting. I have realized that there are many aspects in which my thinking and ultimately my actions need to change.

I learned many useful approaches to discipline problems and ways to incorporate the faith, all the while tending to deeper family culture. Looking forward to using these techniques and ideas in my young parenting days to become that “experienced parent” soon!

A few tips: purchase the participant’s guide if you can! Take lots of notes, and actually apply and delve into the content. You will get so much more out of it this way!

$160 $145

with code: MOTHERMARY!

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*note: I do receive compensation if you purchase through my website. Thank you for your support. 




For parents with children from Toddler to 10!

Are you a parent who struggles to keep it together? A parent who knows he/she should be teaching the faith, but don’t know how to do it practically? Or are you someone who just wants to know what the heck works when it comes to discipline?

I am right there with you! Since recently increasing my brood from 2 to 3 in March, I have my hands full with 3 under 3. While you may not be in that type of situation, there are still so many ways to approach “life with kids”. AKA Parenting.

Felicity is our 1-year-old, Damian our 1-month-old, and Rafe our 2-year-old. Such cuties!

Many of us tend to see parenting as scary, as domineering, and as a huge responsibility. It is; at least the last characteristic. A huge responsibility given to us by God.

Wow, huge stuff.

And sorta scary.

Too Many Parenting Resources?

Sometimes I feel like the world we live in now has given us a crazy amount of options. Good and also bad at the same time.

I know I have personally bought many books, watched many videos, and read many a blog post about parenting topics and the best way to approach life with kids. These were all good investments but usually centered around just one part of Catholic parenting.

Therefore, I am thankful I was given the opportunity to view and review this program.

Catholic Parenting Program: “Me and My House”

The “Me and My House” Parenting Series is a super comprehensive program. It talks about the importance of parenting and family life as a whole, establishing a family culture, the best ways to approach discipline (including tactics that actually work!), and introducing the faith to your child in a way that he/she can understand.

The screenshot is taken from I do not own this image.

Everything that I was wondering about? All that and more, really.

I loved that I found all of these things in just one program. From a dad who understands, and has been through it! Not just a childless child psychologist who has ” all the answers”.

Some Examples of How It Has Helped Me

Being a mother of two toddlers (and a newborn) is challenging, but not impossible.

One really cool thing I learned through this program is that I don’t always relay in my voice or facial expression that I mean business when I discipline. Oftentimes I use my ‘nice’ voice in an attempt to get the child to comply. I have been working on this to help relay what I really mean!

Even worse, I tend to not discipline right away. I learned that the 5-second Rule is best. If you don’t respond and discipline in the first five seconds, chances are they will forget the infraction or your authority will be questioned. Or both.

I have always thought of the family as the domestic church and even embraced it. But applying practical ways to actually create a church culture in our home has been a bit elusive. With this program, my husband and I decided what we want our Family Culture to be. We want to raise children who are intelligent, virtuous, joyful, peaceful, and spiritual.

Side Note: If you come up with any cool names on what to call all those aspirations for a culture name, let me know.

The Positives: Me and My House

Some great features of the “Me and My House” Catholic Game Plan include:

  • High-quality videos with real-life examples and solutions
  • Over 5 hours of parenting content
  • The simple little things they suggest that can change family life in a big way
  • Ways to introduce the Faith to your young children
  • So many amazing ideas on family culture and how to approach each child in your family, no matter the temperament and personality
  • Fair price for the amount of information you receive. $160 (special price for those who shop with this post, though…keep scrolling)

The Negatives: Me and My House

Here are some things I wish “Me and My House” covered more or included:

  • A perspective or teaching from Kyla, Patrick’s wife
  • Some perspective from other parents who have used the program successfully
  • Specific resources for teaching your children the faith, like a packet or a place to find materials
  • A book to work through the videos with. It’s not currently provided with the package but will be available soon!

Screenshot taken from I do not own this image.


If you would like more information, watch this awesome video about Patrick Sullivan’s mission. His dream is to reach just one family with the message of having a happy and holy family life. Or just go to the information page to learn all about the authors, contributors, and idea of the entire series.

Then, decide whether you want to use the digital version of the videos or the DVD set. The price is the same: $160  $145 with coupon code MOTHERMARY.

Finally, start watching the videos, take lots of notes, and get your thinking caps on.

Are you ready to change the culture of your home, and create a better world for all those around you?


Special Discount

Evango has been very generous to you as my reader* and you will receive $15 OFF with Coupon Code: MOTHERMARY

*note: I do receive compensation if you purchase through my website. Thank you for your support. 




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