
My Home Birth Story

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Home Birth Story


People must think I’m crazy to do a home-birth. “Are you serious?” They would say.


I know I love hearing about people’s labor and birth stories, so I thought I would share with you how our’s went. It is so fascinating, beautiful, and just plain special.


Guess what? We did it! March 5, 2019, is the birthday of our 3rd child. And here’s how it went down!


The Pre-Labor


The only reason I make an entire section about this is that there were about 6 days of pre-labor. You think I’m kidding. It’s every pregnant woman’s nightmare.


While most of the time I didn’t have full on labor contractions, they were regular for a few hours at a time and did a great job of tricking my mind into thinking they just might be real. But I guess that’s why they call it false labor.


Each time I would have regular contractions for about 2-3 hours, I would wonder if this was the day. A few times I called the midwives only to have them check me with little to no progress.


Gracious me, it was infuriating and exhausting and emotionally draining. To have all of that adrenaline pumping to think maybe this was the day, only to find out it wasn’t. Ugh…I sure hope I will not go through an experience like that again. My luck, next time I’ll think it’s false labor only to turn out it’s real.


I can totally birth a baby at home by myself, right? Read my thoughts about pregnancy in month 8 here.



My Labor and Birth Journal


One of the cool things suggested to me by my midwife during the months going up to my birth was a labor journal. She thought it would be a nice way to look back and see all the things I was feeling and how it was going. I am going to post these entries right here for you to see into my brain for a moment. Please be kind as you see I was an impatient pregnant woman with two toddlers in my home.


Also, my due date was February 22nd. The midwives said that the date must have been wrong because Damian came out measuring like a baby right on time.


Tuesday 2/26


  • Lost mucus plug about 8 AM
  • Sporadic Braxton-Hicks type contractions throughout the afternoon. Some of them slightly painful.
  • Two hours or so of regular 30-sec contractions in the evening every 10 min. Went away when laid down to rest. A few during the night, nothing regular.


Wednesday 2/27


  • Lost more plug 6 AM
  • I keep getting so hopeful and excited. Then a bit disappointed as the contraction stop when I lay down. It seems as if this child is simply not ready or my body is really just gearing up for a successful and quick delivery. I hope for the second option, yet I still want to meet this elusive third child of mine. If the birth order says the clowny one, I wonder what kind of trick this is. :D. Either way, I am trying to be patient, knowing it will happen when it’s supposed to.
  • Strange, inconsistent labor pattern. Sometimes barely any pain, other times crippling back pain. Don’t know what to make of it.


Thursday 2/28


  • Finally some regularity in contractions, and some while trying to sleep early this morning. Finally trusting that things are moving. Contractions are a lot more consistent just not super painful yet. I have that to be thankful for, I guess. THankful also for my relatively quiet house, dark cozy room, and the change to relax with my hubby and children while being here.
  • Just kidding. False labor. (a midwife came to check me out) On top of that, barely dilated to a 1 cm. Disappointed, but kind of did want a March baby. Let’s hope tonight’s the night!


Friday 3/1


  • Not many contractions through the night, just pray baby has shifted.
  • Waiting game once again. Glad got some productive things done today. This baby will surprise me yet.
  • It’s the same every day/night. A little bit of teasing and a whole lot of restlessness. I am feeling quite mentally and physically exhausted.


Saturday 3/2


  • More of the same
  • Got to get out of the house today and play with my kids. Also got an afternoon nap, thanks to Grandma.
  • Went to church tonight in anticipation that maybe, just maybe, this child will start moving into this world.(But also because it is supposed to snow tonight) Why do babies do that?

Selfie on the way to church!

Sunday 3/3


  • Snowed about 3 inches during the night, and more is projected to come.
  • Finally had some more intense contractions randomly all night. A bit more regular now that I’m up.
  • If there is one thing I have learned through this emotional up and down of waiting and hoping, it is that God is faithful. No matter how impatient or frustrated I am, I know I will eventually meet this precious child. It may not be in the time frame and how I want it, but it will be. I have to trust and trust my body and its instincts.
  • I put together a YouTube playlist of a mix of funny, upbeat, Indie, chill, and relaxing music. (side note: check out my post of motivating Pandora stations I love) I’m hoping it will help change the mood of labor in general since I am a music person. Also using essential oils and other pain-relieving techniques. Let’s do this.
  • Irene came over and helped me do some releases and relaxations, and some foot massage. I feel really good after them, and finally, feel like something is moving.
  • 11:52 PM. Yay! Been in active labor for about 3 hours now. It seems to unreal, yet fantastic! I am ready to meet this crazy Baby Tastove #3. (at this point I called the midwife, who came and checked on me again. Slept on our couch for about 5 hours)


Monday 3/4


  • Nope. went to rest and the contractions went away. Midwife suggested to take something and just sleep. Took magnesium and calcium and enjoyed a day in bed, with my hubby and kids out of the house. Nearly no contractions all day, so hoping we are both rested up tonight for the real show.
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!
  • Continuing to loose blood-tinged mucus. Am dilated to about a 4 right now, just waiting for baby to settle.
  • 11:27 PM. Praise God. It’s finally happening! Rest is just what I needed.
  • 12:37 AM. Been in labor for about 3 hours, from 9:30 PM


Tuesday 3/5


  • Labor was about 5 and a half hours long, quite intense and quick. I went from transition to pushing quite fast, and pushed for about 10-20 minutes. I would say. It might have been longer or shorter than that.
  • Baby boy was born at 2:10 AM. 8 lbs, 20 in. long. Sweet boy with reddish-blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • He came out completely encased in his sac, or en caul, so cool! 1 in 80,000 babies do that, so pretty rare.

His first picture after birth, sweet boy!

Other Birth Observations


That is all that I wrote in my journal, though obviously I was in the moment and couldn’t write. Other things that I remember:


  • I have never had such intense birth contractions. For a while they were coming about 5 minutes, then all of a sudden they were 2-3 minutes apart, and really strong, active contractions.
  • I was quite exhausted from the near constant contractions when the time came to push. My body was tired, too, even as I tried to let my body to the work. Finally, I had to find some strength and will that baby out.
  • Taking a hot shower with contractions is an amazing thing to do.
  • My husband was a little concerned when I pushed Damian’s head out, and then stopped pushing for a little bit. However, I just simply lost all energy and had to be reminded to push the rest of his little perfect body out of me.
  • My hubby was also incredibly supportive, quietly encouraging me and waiting and helping so wonderfully the whole time. And they say your relationship during pregnancy can be strained…
  • Having a home birth was super peaceful, super homey (obviously), and just chill. I felt totally at comfort, other than the fact that I was really uncomfortable, especially that last hour or so when I could tell the baby was descending rapidly.
  • Eating and drinking almost all the way through labor was also really nice.
  • With all the waiting of the days of false labor, I was more than happy to have fast labor and delivery.
  • Damian Allen looked a lot like his older brother when he was born, and screamed for at least 5 minutes after they took him out of the sac. It must have been cold in this big world, poor guy.
  • I surprised the midwife with how fast I was ready to push. They were very impressed with me and how I handled everything. She even told me she wanted to be like me someday in the way I had babies. That made me feel good.
  • I didn’t tear or need stitches anywhere, which is always a blessing. My daughter also came without needing stitches. Yay!
  • Sleeping in your own bed after birth is just sublime.


I am so glad I made the decision to have my third child at home. It was a super special experience, and I hope to continue with home births in the future granted all goes well and my health stays good.


5 Tips for Having a Successful Home Birth


While I encourage anyone who can be a candidate for safe home birth to try it, there are some things you need to do in order to have a successful home birth. Most midwives will tell you ahead of time if you are not a good candidate and if you should consider using a doctor and hospital instead.


#1: Prepare


They will give you lists of things to have ready. Do them. At least 3 weeks before the due date, just to be safe and ready. You don’t want to be running after supplies while you are in labor or have to send someone else to get them. Most things are in your household, very easy to find, and practical.


A lot of the items I had ready they didn’t even need to use, which was also nice.


Don’t forget, as Catholic Christians, we have a little bit more to prepare for our babies. The spiritual aspects are big, too!


If you need some cute nursery printables that are Christian-oriented, check out the ones I offer!


#2: Get two or more hot pads


The presence of heat on my back and lower stomach felt so good while in labor. I didn’t have much time to enjoy them since my labor was short, but it sure helped when they were intense.


Light rubbing and massage on my tailbone also really helped. I have found that pressing on my hips in counterpressure is super helpful during labor, too. (that was my husband’s job)


#3: Oils


If you like essential oils, invest in them and a good diffuser. I had mine running constantly through labor with a Calming Blend to help me relax. Lavender oil is nice, as is vanilla. Jasmine and Clary Sage are also good.


In general, find the ones that you are drawn to. If you like how they smell, use those ones. The best way to find out if you like the scent is to put a few drops on a paper towel and then sniff and see if it’s your kind of groove.


#4: Set Up in Advance Your Babysitters and Food


Since we already have two rambunctious toddlers, I made sure that I had childcare for them for at least two weeks after birth. There was a day or two that fell through, but between my husband, my mom, and my mother-in-law, I was able to have some much-needed rest and recovery time after Damian arrived.


My sisters-in-law were a huge help by bringing some meals by, which were amazing! Food always tastes better when I don’t have to cook it. I had some people send me some food gift cards and sweet gifts, too, which is always nice. Also, be prepared to be insanely hungry after birth. I sent my hubby to get some sweet snacks the day after because I was craving sugar like mad.


Brainstorm weeks in advance who you can arrange to take the kids, and use something like to set up some food.


#5: Don’t Worry


Let the midwives do their thing. They will know when something is wrong and if additional help is needed. They are very highly trained individuals, at least the ones I worked with. Do your homework and make sure you download the Midwife Question Packet I created.


Seriously, just focus on you and that baby. Getting closer to holding that precious bundle in your arms, bonding with them, snuggling skin-to-skin for as long as your heart desires.


The privilege of being a mother is huge, and a high calling. It also is so rewarding (after the pain, right?). You totally forget that pain after seeing their faces for the first time.



Concluding my Home Birth Story


If you can do it, you should! Do your homework and see if the option is something that might work for you.


Yes, there are different things to prepare and different emotions about having it in your house. Lots of times you can birth at a birth center that is similar to your home.


The experience is one I will never forget, and if I do, I have recorded it here! From the downs of waiting days for my son to arrive to the joy of fast labor and knowing that I would see him sooner rather than later. I learned how to be patient, and let things work itself out.


Praise be to God for a healthy baby and healthy mama, which is really the most important part anyway.


Tell me your birth stories! I’d love to hear them!



View Comments

  • Hi Gessica, thanks for sharing, it’s very insightful to me as a first time mother. My midwife has been to see us at our home assessment and has suggested that we take a look at hypnobirthing methods. I’m a little wary of this, as a Catholic, I don’t want to participate in anything new agey. Do you have any recommendations or tips concerning this? I know you used essential oils and set up a YouTube playlist. I think I will try those. And maybe try to incorporate Scriptural soundtracks or something.
    Thank you in advance, Godbless.

    • I don't believe hypnobirthing is the same or anywhere near hypnosis, if that is your concern. It is a focusing technique to keep you calm and present in the moment, I believe.

      I have not had experience with it. Honestly, learning to breathe properly and relax into a contraction is just as helpful. Before my 4th baby, doing Catholic mindfulness work was very helpful!! I would check out The Mindful Catholic by Dr. Greg Bottaro.

  • I just found your blog (googled Catholic mama birth stories)
    This is wonderful! I can only imagine how special it is to have a baby at home. With my last at the hospital they had a hard time slowing the bleeding, but I’ve read this can happen if they tug the placenta out. I’m pregnant with our third and hoping to deliver the placenta naturally to see if I bleed the same, if not I may venture to do a home birth one day! I Loved your story and your writing, I hope you keep it up! Going to go looks around your blog some more now!

    • Hi Kristy! Congrats on Baby #3! So exciting! Thank you so much for your kind words. It was super special to have my baby at home. Also, you might try drinking Red Raspberry tea every day to help with all things recovery and birth. It really helped me with babies 2 and 3.

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