FREE CATHOlic coloring pages Success! Name Email I Want These! Can I give you a little advice before Lent begins? Don’t Just Do The Regular Lenten Thing – AKA give up chocolate Or you could: I’m not going to judge. I did that for so many years as a...
Why You Want To Expose Bible Reading to your Kids You want them to know the Word of God It is so wonderful when your children can grow up knowing and learning God’s word. It gives parents comfort, I think, to know that they have those words in their hearts and...
Yearly Review While I’m not in the habit of making a yearly review on everything, I am curious, and maybe you are too, of how this year ended up with all my plans. My 9 specific plans, to be exact. Let’s bear in mind here that there were a couple of life...
How to Strengthen A Marriage Have you ever wondered why keeping a marriage strong is so difficult? Even though they warn you before you get married, or you witness it in other couples, you think your marriage will be the invincible one. We should know better. Keeping...
Have you heard of the “25 Pockets of Prayer”? This Advent, you might want to try this short and amazing-packed Ebook for a change of pace, for a change of prayer-life. Keep reading for a full review of the product! Why an Advent Review?...
Examples and references will be made from The Little Burgundy Book with a Stewardship theme (on the Gospel of John), based on the writings of Bishop Ken Untener. What is Stewardship? By definition, stewardship is organizing or taking care of something, whether it be...