Quarantine Resources – Catholic Mom Vibes Roundup

Quarantine Resources – Catholic Mom Vibes Roundup

how is Quarantine Going? These are trying times. While I am doing my best to distance myself from people and from the depressing news as well, it is reality. And the reality is that many moms and families are now faced with situations as they have never had before. We...

Family Hug Experiment: What 21 Days of More Hugs Did

Family Hug Experiment: What 21 Days of More Hugs Did

Family Hug Experiment - Why? So you might wonder why I decided to do a hug experiment in our family. Honestly, I wanted to see if it would make a difference in our sleeping habits, our overall moods and stress levels, and our kindness towards one another. And while...

Daily Winter Schedule with 3 under 4

Why I Love Seeing Daily Schedules Written Out I always find it fascinating to see what other young moms are doing at the moment in terms of schedules. So I decided to show you what works for us! I love it when I can see what works for others, so I hope this post helps...

Lent Resources for Moms

Lent Resources for Moms

FREE CATHOlic coloring pages Can I give you a little advice before Lent begins? Don't Just Do The Regular Lenten Thing - AKA give up chocolate Or you could: I'm not going to judge. I did that for so many years as a teenager. It was torture, right? In our house, we...

How to Get Your Kids Involved in Bible Reading

How to Get Your Kids Involved in Bible Reading

Why You Want To Expose Bible Reading to your Kids You want them to know the Word of God It is so wonderful when your children can grow up knowing and learning God's word. It gives parents comfort, I think, to know that they have those words in their hearts and on...

2019 Year in Review

2019 Year in Review

Yearly Review While I'm not in the habit of making a yearly review on everything, I am curious, and maybe you are too, of how this year ended up with all my plans. My 9 specific plans, to be exact.  Let's bear in mind here that there were a couple of life shifts this...


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