The 24 Best Facebook Groups for Catholic Moms

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Okay, I know that having to mostly stay home these past few months has left a lot of you in difficult situations, or complete boredom, or just needing an outlet or prayer source or whatever. I get it. That’s where a lot of Facebook groups have come in to play for many of you.

But just in case you haven’t been checking them out or don’t know where to start, this post will give you an excellent place to begin.

I will be talking about groups for just moms, groups for families, and groups for all sorts of things that might pertain to your life. I belong to a lot of these groups, so I know how helpful, nice, and awesome they can be!

Ready to see which ones made list?

Best Catholic Mom Facebook Groups

For the natural moms

There are some great Facebook groups for moms that want to live a simpler, more natural life. Here are the ones that made the best list!

Catholic Hippie Mamas Facebook Group – a group of natural-minded Catholic women, this group was suggested to me by one of my friends who also happens to be on my email list! It’s a perfect group to talk about using herbs, essential oils, natural motherhood and parenting practices, and more.

This Facebook group has almost 5,000 members!

Group Type – Private (you must answer 3 questions to be approved in the group!)

Catholic Homebirth Moms – this group is for those who have had or are planning to have a homebirth! How cool is that? If you need some mom-to-mom support in this area in your life, this is the group for you. It is also open to Catholic birth professionals.

With about 500 members, this is the perfect size to get your questions answered and still be involved in the posts.

Group Type – Private (3 questions to be approved)

Natural Parenting Mamas-Private Talk – I want to grab this quote from the description. “Subjects including but not limited to: Breastfeeding, Babywearing, No, Selective or Delayed Vaccination, Co-Sleeping, No Cry Sleep Solution, Skin-to-Skin, Circumcision, Attachment Parenting, Gentle Discipline, Ecological Responsibility, Natural Learning, Baby-Led Weaning, ERF Car Seat Safety, Cloth Diapering, Donating Breastmilk, Organic Formula, Homeschooling, Birth Centers, Midwives, Natural Birth Methods, Organic Foods, Yoga/Meditation, Holistic Health, Home-Made Baby Food, Bed-Sharing, Elimination Communication, Nursing In Public, Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping, Non-Toxic Alternatives, and Many, Many More Subjects!

I think that covered what the group is about! There are over 26,000 members in this natural Facebook group.

Group Type – Private (you are warned about vaccine talk before you join)

Natural Minded Moms – while not exclusively Catholic, this group talks about all the natural things you want to know about, like homemade baby food and essential oils, and just learning how to make more natural choices.

There are almost 3,000 members in this group currently.

Group Type – Private (nothing required to join)

Official NFP: Catholic-Style! – from the description, “This group is a branch-off of the closed NFP group. It’s a place for Catholics (women and men) who practice NFP, support NFP or wish to learn about NFP from a Catholic perspective. This group upholds Magisterial teaching of the Church. Please note that some of the discussions are of a sensitive nature (ie. interpreting charts). While the prime focus of the group is NFP, questions of a more moral Catholic nature are also welcomed so long as charity is maintained.

18.3 thousand members use this group on Facebook!

Group Type – Private (nothing required to join)

Photo by Marcelo Chagas from Pexels

For a spiritual lift

Sometimes you just need that place to go to grow in your faith life, ask faith questions, relate with someone else in their faith journey, or all of the above! The following Facebook groups are great for Catholic moms looking to grow their faith and grow in holiness.

Catholic Women of Faith (for women only) – a place to discuss family, faith, and parenting life with others who share your values. You can share prayers, ask advice, and be a friend!

At just over 400 members, this is great group for personal feedback and connnection!

Group Type – Private

Catholic Mom Group – This group is particularly cool in that they discuss and talk about Kendra Tierney’s Catholic All Year book (a book that talks about implementing the Catholic liturgical year into your family life). But, it’s also a group to ask questions, get advice, and be supported by other Catholic moms! This group has a little bit for everyone.

265 members gives you the great small group experience.

Group Type – Public

Catholic Mothers – I am particularly fond of the group purpose. Catholic Mothers is a group for those who wish to learn and embrace true feminism and feminity in the way the Church teaches it and Mary embodies it, as well as embracing the call the motherhood.

This private group houses over 4,000 members.

Group Type- Private (3 questions to be approved)

Blessed Is She – make sure you find the group that corresponds to your region. I am in the Midwest Region, but you may be in a different one (just make sure that your group has the // after the Blessed is She to know it’s from the original!).

This is the BEST group for getting just plain encouragement in any part of your life, no matter your position or place in your spiritual journey. It is also a fantastic resource for prayer warriors; every time someone posts a prayer requests, you can just feel the prayers streaming in for that person. It really is an amazing group to be a part of.

My region has over 19, 000 members, and I’m sure there are millions all over the world if you combine each group.

Group Type – Private (I can’t remember if there are any questions)

Catholic Sisters in Christ – here is the group description: “Catholic Sisters in Christ invite you to celebrate our Catholic Faith and Unleash The Power of the Catholic Woman in all of us.” Simple yet profound.

Just over 700 members, a great little group to join

Group Type – Private

Catholic Women’s Group – the group keep it simple. “All things Catholic. Education, prayer and reflection of our Catholic journey.

Group size – 350

Group Type – Private

For talking about books and life and everything in between

These are some of my favorite groups because you can literally talk about anything and everything with these lovely ladies, and they will be up for it!

Fountain of Carrots Raspberry Cordial Social Club – this group is by the Fountain of Carrots podcast. It is a great podcast and a great group of women to be in a group with. There are funny, witty, caring, and everything in between.

With almost 5,000 members, this is an active group to be in.

Group Type – Private

Catholic Mom Vibes Community – yep, this is a group hosted by me! I am looking to grow it just for fellowship and real-life talk about all things really! So if you want to join, I would love it!

There are currently 15 members, and there no questions to answer, you just need to agree to the rules!

Group Type – Private

For Homeschooling Moms

There are some great homeschooling mom groups for Catholics, so get excited! Now the hard job will be deciding which one(s) to be a part of!

Catholic homeschooling Moms – a group for Catholic moms who homeschool and want to chat, share, vent, whatever. The only rule is to be considerate when posting.

Group members: 7.2 K

Group Type – Private

Heart of a Mother: Catholic Homeschooling Moms – a place for homeschooling moms to receive encouragement and support in their roles as educators of their families.

Number of members: 2.5 K

Group Type – Private (must answer the questions or no approval)

Homeschooling a Largely Blessed Catholic Family – this group is yet another to share concerns, ideas, tips, and what life is like as a Catholic homeschooler. You must answer the questions here, too.

Members: 350

Group Type – Private (must answer the questions)

Keeping It Catholic Faith, Family, and Homeschooling Network – here is what they discuss: “FAMILY and CATHOLIC EDUCATION AT HOME: To encourage other Catholic families in loving and serving God as He wishes, KIC’s special focus began in support of Catholic education at home – that is, Catholic homeschooling. With the grace of God, we endeavor to give our children a Catholic education in which the Faith permeates the home and the curriculum. Catholic parents, homeschooling or not, are welcome here. So are Catholic newlyweds who are hoping to soon “start” their families, as well as Catholic grandparents! [The group] may also discuss or share current events in light of Church doctrine, dogma, articles of faith, etc. We do discuss Church-approved apparitions of Our Lord or Our Lady. We do *not* discuss non-approved apparitions or locations.

Members: 957

Group Type – Private

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

For Parents – we all need more support here!

Catholic Stay-At-Home Parents – for those who identify with being stay-at-home Catholic parents! It’s a place to share stories, laugh, tell jokes, and be supportive to one another in our own parenting journeys.

Group members: 2,000

Group Type – Private

Faithfully Small Catholic Families – for those parents who have a small family for whatever reason, and are committed to being faithful Catholics. Go to the page to read the description, that will help you out in deciding if this group is right for you!

Group members: 885

Group Type – Private

Catholic Parenting #familyplanning# – this group is all about learning how to learn NFP, or Catholic family planning through learning your bodily cycles and what to look for.

Group members: 5.3 K

Group Type – Private

Mothers of Large Catholic Families – this group is open to those mamas who have 4 or more children. It doesn’t really tell you what they discuss regularly, but I imagine talking about their children and the challenges/fun of having a large family.

Group members: 2.1 K

Group Type – Private

Catholic Women for Traditional Family Values – a group for those who are joyfully living their vocations. They reject feminism (at least in the modern sense). A group by Homegrown Catholics.

Groups members: 1.5 K

Group Type – Private (you must answer questions before being approved)

Other Group Types

Catholic C-section Moms – a support group for Catholic moms who have had C-sections and live as faithful Catholics with their fertility and the like. They mainly discuss C-sections and give support for those who have experienced one or multiple.

Group members: 1.9 K

Group Type – Private

Faithful, Science-Minded Catholic Women – they only add members who answer their 3 questions in detail and have profiles that seem to match their values. They are fully following all the teachings of the Church, yet respect the advances of science and apply them to their lives. They welcome civil debates, and allow profanity or other harsh language as long as it is not racist.

Group members: just under 1,000

Group Type – Private (very strict on who they accept)

Which One Will You join?

There are literally hundreds of Catholic Facebook groups, and I have given you the ones that are the most Catholic, the most geared toward women, and especially ones that are for moms. I could not include all of them, but tried to mention the ones that would be a good fit for you!

I hope that you can find one or two of these that will benefit your life as a Catholic mom in some way!

As always, if you have a favorite that is not listed here, comment below and I would be happy to add it!

Sharing is caring!

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View Comments

  • Judith Okech says:

    A good collection to help in decision-making. I've never known there exist so many Catholic groups on FB. Thank you.

    • Thanks for the comment, Judith! It's crazy how many niche groups you can find if you really look!!

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