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A 3 year shift

This post may contain affiliate links. I only promote products I use and love.

I want to share the story of why I am ceasing the blog posts and the products and turning more towards a coaching/wellness/whole-person narrative.

When I started Catholic Mom Vibes blog in January 2018, it was out of curiosity to see if making money with a blog with possible, to see if I could help other moms just like me. 

Because partly, in my mind, I wanted to be the perfect Catholic mom for my kids, and then I could tell you all how to do it. I could recommend the best products and create the best digital resources for you. My main goal was to help Catholic moms stay strong in their faith life while raising sweet little ones. 

I did fairly well with creating blog posts and free things and products.

I worked as much as I could with 2 and then 3 littles. I would schedule things in advance to keep my list “warm” and schedule posts to stay ahead. 

By the 4th kid, I knew something had to change. It’s not that anything I was doing before was wrong, it’s just that it wasn’t working. 

It = me being authentic, marriage, parenting, family life, faith life, emotional health, physical health.

All the things I was writing about and wanting to show up perfectly. 

It was usually in reality the exact opposite.

Once I realized that I needed to work on myself, something changed within me. I knew I had to change how I approached parenthood. 

Because most days I was showing up cranky, mean, harsh, and simply hated being home with my kids. (some days I am still like this because I’m HUMAN) Because parenting just wasn’t what I had imagined it to be! 

Having a family was way harder than anyone EVER told me or even implied. And had anyone told me in high school or college these things, I probably would have laughed it off anyway. 

Marriage – I didn’t understand the beautiful differences and diversity in my marriage, with how we complement each other and fill in for each other’s weaknesses. I was expecting my husband to act and do and show up like me, especially in parenting and in his priorities. 

Not that I tried to hide these issues in my blog posts, but I have never been one to be out there or transparent on social media. 

Once I started learning about the brain and how it works, pouring into healing and trauma and mindset work and renouncing, and all the wonderful tools and resources, I realized that this was the gold mine. 

This was where I was meant to be. 

Accompanying other Catholic moms who are in the struggle right now as well. 

Once I experienced the freedom of having a choice with how I showed up, once I learned how to start managing my emotions, and once I became so self-aware that there was nothing to do but go forward in growth, there couldn’t have been anything else but dive in and learn how to be there for other Catholic moms in the same capacity that so many other wonderful coaches have been there for me. 

Every time I see Catholic moms struggling with a circumstance or relationship in their life, my heart just breaks. 

I want to help them overcome, I want to lead them to Jesus; I want to help them take back their dignity and their wills and the freedom to choose. 

I want them to experience healing and wholeness and the goodness of a Father in heaven who loves them so much.

I want them to be able to show up to their husbands and families with grace, beauty, and goodness. 

I want them to give from a cup that is overflowing with love and peace and joy. 

I have worked toward these things for the last 3 years, and I know that a lot of these ideals I have in my head are possible. 

There are simply a LOT of things to get in the way, to work through, to heal from. 

Because that’s normal, that’s human. I started thinking about all the things that were healthy, human, and necessary.










The list can be longer, but think about it. Do you tend to avoid your emotions because they are overwhelming? Do you do something else forget about the yucky thoughts or the uncomfortable situation you find yourself in at times?

I love the saying, “in a world full of cows, be a buffalo”, because buffalo run towards a storm, while cows tend to run away from it. 

The benefit of running towards a storm = it’s over much quicker. You were willing to experience some pain in order to find a great deal of relief.

That’s what a lot of growth feels like. And you don’t have to go there if it’s scary. At least not alone.

It is part of my calling to accompany women on their own journeys, so that they can see that they are not alone.

You are loved and beloved by God

You are worthy of a life worth living

You are capable of many things

These statements mean nothing if you don’t have a good relationship with God and yourself. 

If you don’t actually believe these statements, they won’t do anything for you.

I’m for the integration of the WHOLE human person. 

Have you ever heard the Bible verse, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect? 

The actual meaning of “perfect” in that context is actually “complete, whole”

Jesus comes to make us whole and to give us communion with Him and each other. 

So….this is why you are seeing more emails about coaching and growing and healing. It is changing lives, and I am here for it.

I am here for you. 

If you want to.

I will still have all the coloring pages and resources and blog posts on the website. I will for as long as I know. I am still here for those things.

I just want to offer more, because I know that in today’s world, we don’t really need more things. 

We need more love, peace, patience, (insert virtue here), etc.

We need mamas who are so in love with God and so sure of what they have to offer that it flows through effortlessly, that it sets the world on fire! ❤️‍🔥🔥

We need mothers who are not afraid to be imperfect, human, and humble. Whole, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy and whole. 

It’s a journey, and I would love to journey with you. 

Take the next step and schedule a call. I would be honored to meet you.


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  • Cathy Wachtel says:

    I wish there was a Catholic Mom online group that we could connect with other Mamas out there no matter what our kids ages... little or grown, "typical" or special needs" you name it God gave us these wonderful people and expect us to raise them in the Catholic faith!!!

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