
8 Effective Ways to Enhance Your Spirituality

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What Is Spirituality?

According to Wikipedia, spirituality is defined as a religious process of re-formation. This might be applied to several different situations or even world religions. But what does it look like for Catholics? What practices can we put in place to become more spiritual?

We might label someone as spiritual if they radiate the Spirit from within. Know the kind of people I’m talking about? How about Pope John Paul II? Or Mother Theresa? Or any saint that has ever lived? We look to them as role models because we know they’ve got their spirituality in check.

And we all strive for sainthood, right? (If we aren’t, we should be.)

So the real question is: can you improve your spirituality?


Is it going to be easy?

Definitely not.

Is it going to be worth it?

Oh, yeah.

I think God would think so, too.

So how do we get there?

Eight Ways to Grow Your Spirituality

One—Mirror Prayers

  • Place a prayer or Bible verse near a bathroom mirror (or place you frequent more than a few times a day).
  • This could be anything as simple as a Hail Mary.
  • You can also print or write your favorite Bible verse on a piece of paper.
  • If you like being artsy, you can create and print a graphic using a site like Canva.

This is the Morning Offering prayer I keep near my bathroom mirror for a quick offering in the morning! Find it in the Free Resources Tab!

Two—Daily Readings/Devotionals

  • The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides a daily email service that brings the daily readings right to your inbox!
  • It includes the first reading, psalm, second reading (if applicable), the gospel acclamation, and the gospel.
  • If you read the readings every day for three years, you will have read almost the entire Bible.
  • USCCB also provides Lectio Divina resources and special emails for Advent and Lent.
  • I have been signed up for at least 5 years now, and it really challenges me to read the Scripture, even when I think I don’t want to or don’t have time to.
  • Click here to sign up.

I also get Blessed Is She Devotionals every day inspired by the Daily Readings! I love these insights from other holy Catholic women from around the world.

Three—Lectio Divina

  • A peaceful practice that takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
  • Read a short selected passage of scripture slowly, pause, and then read it again slowly. It helps if it is read out loud.
  • After reading twice, go back through and highlight or say words that stuck out to you.
  • Ponder those words in the context of the passage.
  • Let the Spirit speak to your heart by listening in silence afterward!
  • It’s a highly effective spiritual practice with a group of people, like a women’s group or book club.
  • More detailed Lectio Divina instructions found here.

Image credit: Pexels

Four—Cursing and Thanking

  • Thankfulness is a wonderful practice to get in to.
  • When we are more thankful, we look outward instead of inward for our life satisfaction.
  • As a result, our life satisfaction increases.
  • Every time you curse in anger or frustration, immediately give thanks to God for 5 blessings in your life.
  • It can be as basic as food and water, or a little more in-depth like your daughter or husband.

image credit: Pexels

Five—Give Your Anger Up

  • That’s right. Give that anger up to God.
  • You know, like when your mom used to say to your grumblings, “Give it to God!” The same principle applies here.
  • Start by telling Him why you are frustrated (in detail) and ask for the grace to give it away fully to Him.
  • Then write the reason for anger on a piece of paper, crumple it up, and throw it away.
  • Jesus wants to shoulder all of your frustrations.
  • He will ultimately give you peace in place of that anger.

Related Articles:

Six—Pray for Your Enemies

  • This provides more healing for your heart than you would think.
  • When we forgive others who have hurt us in some way, it frees us to love and pray for them.
  • Praying for them increases our spirituality because we are literally willing good for someone who doesn’t necessarily return the favor.
  • Start with one person who has hurt you and continue adding others as you feel comfortable.
  • Catholic Online provides a prayer specifically for your enemies.

Seven—Embrace Suffering

  • You can always pray, but what do you do when sorrow take over?
  • All of us suffer in some ways, and some of us face more challenges and hardships than others.
  • Suffering brings us closer to Jesus. He understands our pain.
  • It’s not that God never gives us more than we can handle, He just doesn’t give us anything we cannot get through with Him by our side.
  • Check out my article on Suffering and Salvation

Eight—Utilize the Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Examining our consciences keeps our sin-radar sharp. (Check out this great article on going to confession from Blessed is She)
  • The Church only requires that we go to confession once a year (as a bare minimum, people!)
  • Try going at least once a month.
  • It is a powerful exercise to have someone tell you your sins are forgiven.
  • It’s also a huge relief to get your shortcomings off your chest.
  • God’s greatest desire is to give you boundless mercy and love. Don’t be stingy and not accept it!


Get the free printable of all of these ways to enhance your spirituality here!


The Result? Increased Spirituality

Whether it be increasing your prayer life, dedicating our sorrows to the Lord, utilizing the Sacraments, or studying Scripture, God calls us to be holy people! He deliberately gives us the tools to grow our relationship with Him.

There are more than just these eight ways to grow and strengthen your spiritual life. Attempting all of the options may not work for you. So pick a few, apply them with an open and willing heart, and see what happens.

If you apply yourself to practices like this that consistently grow your relationship with God, you will be amazed at the ways your spirituality increases.

P.S Don’t forget to ask those holy saints that went before us for help, too!


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